All you need to know about Strokes

Just picture this; you’re enjoying a lovely afternoon with your friends when one of them suddenly loses their balance, falls over and slumps down to the floor!

The sad truth is that this scenario is a regular occurrence in this day and age and strokes happen daily somewhere in the world every few seconds.

Take a look at this helpful infographic to get a better understanding of how strokes happen and what you can do to prevent one happening…

Image result for stroke infographic

The chances of someone surviving from a stroke can be heightened if you see the signs and take action immediately!

Should someone survive a stroke, that is not the end of it, they will need plenty of care afterwards, so it is vital that they get treated appropriately when they are in the recovery phase.

You cannot understand how someone is feeling, so it is important that you listen to what they are telling you. Encourage exercise when they start to feel ready and never neglect your own health when you’re tending to their needs.

Image result for elderly healthcare

Pinelands Grove Retirement Village provides it’s seniors with a range of healthcare services. Each care package is designed to accommodate all assisted living requirements. Find out more about the healthcare on offer here…


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