When should one move to a Retirement Home?

The answer is…sooner rather than later!

Why on earth you might ask?

1. Because time goes by quickly, and suddenly, someone else is making decisions for you!

2. Then, there’s a matter of supply and demand, and as the baby boomers get to retirement, the volume of demand is pushing up the price more than in any other sector. This means your current home – that you thought would fund the retirement purchase – is losing its comparative value – even if its price is still going up!

3. Surely we all say we’re fit and healthy? The fact remains that while you’re at your peak you must plan wisely and get into an ‘independent living retirement home’!

4. Then, if at any time in the future, whether that’s in 5 years or 25 years, one needs assistance, you’re not a burden to the family. One doesn’t want ones children ever to have to make difficult decisions.


Just don’t pretend you’ll always be strong. We’ve seen it too many times, and it’s simply not fun having the family making those decisions. Not fun for them and NOT fun for you – especially if you’re not in agreement.

What to look for if you are in fact looking to stay in control of your retirement planning?

We get asked the pro’s and con’s all the time but this is so personal, that there is no one size fits all.

This is some advice...

i. Visit the establishment and have lunch there. Though you may live independently, most places make it obligatory to pay for 16 meals from the communal kitchen. Don’t wait to find out the quality of the food until after you arrive.

ii. Even though very few of us will ever use a frail care, make sure there is a HIGH QUALITY one IN THE VILLAGE, and you have a preferential access arrangement – even if it’s just for recuperative care.

iii. The agent should describe and show you the security system – does it monitor ALL entrances and is there 24 hour manned security?

iv. Ask what charges are NOT in the levy – just to be clear– for instance if you wish to see the sister (instead of going to a doctor for lesser issues), is it included?
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v. What if I live on my own and get sick? Is there an emergency medical service, and does it cost extra?

vi. Retirement homes are factually smaller than the spacious life you and your partner have enjoyed whilst you were bringing up the children. The question is not the size, but what is the feeling you get when visiting the village? Is it an environment you can entertain friends in with a sense of pride?

Consider asking all these questions at Pinelands Grove Retirement Village

Priced from:

R495,000 to R2,5mil

Contact MALCOLM DE HAHN · 021 559 4263 · 072 223 5663


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