Helpful ways to Prevent Falls in seniors

People who are over the age of 65 need to take special precautions – why? Because falls can cause serious injuries! These suggestions will help prevent falls and increase the overall safety and well-being of seniors…

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Visions & Medication

> Check eyes at least once a year
> Update eye glasses to single vision and distance lenses
> Be wary of taking medication that can cause dizziness and drowsiness
> Review your medications with your doctor or pharmacist

Diet & Exercise

> Eat foods with vitamin D to improve muscle functions and strength
> Consume enough calcium to strengthen bones
> Consider doing simple exercises such as walking, yoga, hiking or water workouts
> Do daily stretches to improve balance, coordination and flexibility

Home Modifications

> Reduce tripping hazards such as too much clutter
> Consider adding grab bars inside the bathroom
> Improve the overall lighting in your house
> Install railing on either side of your stairs

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If you are over the age of 65 and you fall, it is best to seek medical advice immediately, especially in the following situations:

1. You have a major amount of pain in you back
2. Any of your bones have an unusual shape
3. You experience swelling
4. It is difficult to walk
5. You experience dizziness, blurry visions or memory loss

It is better to be safe than to be sorry – Call your doctor immediately. Are you looking for a vibrant community establishment that offers all the finer elements in life, including a frail care centre that is fully equipped and rated first class. A lovely bonus is the fact that assisted living packages are able to be taken in any unit. No need to move again - the qualified carers will come to you. 

Pinelands Grove Retirement Village can offer you all this including a range of facilities and a beautiful view of Table Mountain. Visit the website here, give us a call on 021 530 0300 or email


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