6 Tips to Help Seniors Live Healthier

When it comes to eating healthier, it’s not surprising that a lot of people get confused – all the information online and on the TV these days makes it hard to keep up!

However, by using common sense seniors can really make a difference in their health. As we get older, our diets become more and more important – here are some helpful tips to help seniors live healthier, but still enjoy food.

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Add colour – the most colourful your meal is, the healthier it is! You should be eating at least five total servings of fruit and vegetables every day and aim to include three different colour variations (carrots, spinach, beetroot, tomatoes, oranges, etc.)

Enjoy foods in moderation – It’s okay if you want to bake your favourite cake, eat a pie or enjoy a chocolate. However it is best to enjoy your favourite foods in a small portion and never overdo it!

Eat more fish – By eating just 50 grams of fish a day you’ll be able to reduce your risk of having a heart attack by more than 60%. Did you know that eating fish can also help seniors who suffer from hypertension, arthritis and diabetes?

Don’t make meat the starring role – Instead of focusing on eating so much meat, rather build your meal around lots of different fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains such as oats, brown rice, barley, bulgur, quinoa and corn.

Keep an eye on calcium and Vitamin D – Seniors need to consume at least 1,200mg of calcium each day. Be sure to include orange juice, low-fat milk and cheese into your diet, if possible, chat to your doctor about a calcium supplement.

Above all, always remember to enjoy what you eat – Eating healthy can be difficult, especially when you think about your emotions and hunger levels. It is best to slowly incorporate healthy habits over time –small, sustained changes are what matter in the future.

Pinelands Grove Retirement Village is a vibrant senior community that will bring all your desires to live. With an array of amazing features such as a braai/pool area, library, gym, café and even a hair salon – you’ll enjoy the finer elements of life while still staying healthy!


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